Made in Italy Day: A Tribute to Artisanal Heritage

Made in Italy Day: A Tribute to Artisanal Heritage

Today marks a significant occasion as we celebrate the first ever “Made in Italy Day” (Giornata Nazionale del Made in Italy). Let’s explore the rich legacy of Italian craftsmanship and the cultural importance of this commemoration, as we dive into the significance of Made in Italy Day, shedding light on its origins and cultural importance….

Smoking, Salting, and Survival: The Story of Fiore Sardo, Sardinia’s Treasured Cheese

Smoking, Salting, and Survival: The Story of Fiore Sardo, Sardinia’s Treasured Cheese

Fiore Sardo is a traditional cheese from the island of Sardinia, located off the coast of Italy. The history of Fiore Sardo dates back to the Bronze Age, when the Sardinians first began to domesticate sheep and produce cheese. The Sardinians came up with a special way of making cheese by smoking it over juniper…

Capocollo: From Roman Soldier’s Rations to Italian Delicacy

Capocollo: From Roman Soldier’s Rations to Italian Delicacy

Capocollo, also known as coppa, is a cured meat that has a rich history and a unique flavor profile. This delicacy is made from the neck of the pig. In fact, the word “capocollo” means “behind the neck.” It is a popular meat in Italian cuisine and is enjoyed all around the world. The origins…

Happy Carbonara Day!

Happy Carbonara Day!

Carbonara Day is celebrated on April 6th, and invites food and Carbonara lovers alike to celebrate the classic Italian pasta dish made with egg, Pecorino Romano cheese, guanciale, and freshly ground black pepper. These are the only ingredients and it’s never made with peas, chicken, or cream. And no, “vegan Carbonara” doesn’t exist (it would be…

A cheese that Ancient Roman Emperors ate!

A cheese that Ancient Roman Emperors ate!

Pecorino Romano is a cheese that has been around for more than 2,000 years! In fact, this cheese used to grace the tables of Ancient Roman emperors and nourish the Ancient Roman legionnaires. These soldiers depended on its nutritional value and ability which would last on extended marches who were allotted a daily ration of…