Smoking, Salting, and Survival: The Story of Fiore Sardo, Sardinia’s Treasured Cheese

Affumicatura, salatura e sopravvivenza: la storia di Fiore Sardo, il formaggio tesoro della Sardegna

Fiore Sardo is a traditional cheese from the island of Sardinia, located off the coast of Italy. The history of Fiore Sardo dates back to the Bronze Age, when the Sardinians first began to domesticate sheep and produce cheese. The Sardinians came up with a special way of making cheese by smoking it over juniper…

A cheese that Ancient Roman Emperors ate!

A cheese that Ancient Roman Emperors ate!

Pecorino Romano is a cheese that has been around for more than 2,000 years! In fact, this cheese used to grace the tables of Ancient Roman emperors and nourish the Ancient Roman legionnaires. These soldiers depended on its nutritional value and ability which would last on extended marches who were allotted a daily ration of…